Garden Care For Your Miniature Roses

Looking after your miniature rose garden is very important to ensure it’s looking it’s prettiest at all times. But just as important is the lawn around the garden. Having a well mowed and nicely kept lawn will set the stage for your miniature roses to shine. Bryan Stoddard at Homewares Insider has given us a few tips on exactly how you cut your grass. There are many means to look after lawn, starting from a simple manual push mower, right up to a commercial ride on mower. You will see that in many of the online ride on mower reviews that these are quite often used for miniature rose garden care.

Push Mower for Miniature Rose Garden Care

Let’s start with the basics of a push mower. In this category you have two options to choose from, a manual style or a mechanical engine. Manual push mowers are the cheapest and easiest to get started on the lawn care. Saying that, they are also the most amount of work as the blades will on turn it the motion you give the machine. If hard work is not your thing, but your budget is a little tight, you could try the next step up which is a engine powered push mower. These the most common across the US and can come in very handy for access small areas around your rose garden. Push mowers will often come with varies levels of speed as well as blade cutting heights so you can trim the grass a little shorter to allow the roses to truly stand out.

Ride On Mower for Miniature Rose Garden Care

If you are like many of us in the miniature rose growing community and have a larger lawn to care for then a ride on mower might be the answer. The types of ride on mowers include zero turn radius mowers as well as your standard tractor mower. Zero turn mowers are particularly handy for tighter areas of your rose garden. This includes around your stage plants and fountains. Zero turn mowers often take time to get used to as their controls are a little different to a normal steering wheel. But once you master the process, lawn care time is dramatically reduced.

Ride on tractors are also help for lawn care as they require much less manual effort than a push mower. The only downfall is that many standard residential models fail to handle inclines very well or be able to go around tight corners.